Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall is here!

So after moving from Florida there are a few things that KY can trump over life in Florida...one of which is Fall! We have some great seasons here and growing up in Florida you never experience them, you have warm, hot, hotter, summer, less hot, a few days of cool and then back to warm. That is Florida seasons in a nutshell...so when I moved here I learned about seasons and foddershocks, and pumpkin patches and which apples make the best cobbler....so this weekend I was sick of being sick and we went to Boyd's Orchard where you can pick your own pumpkin and your own apples! Jesse went with Nathan and I on our adventure.....

We got Jonathan apples and I think it was Gala apples and I made some yummy apple cobbler the next day for a BBQ at Jesse's....
It was great....and a new recipie that used Splenda and oats and other less dangerous things! No one even noticed! The apples were really sweet and fresh so I think that made it....That evening we went to the Pub for dinner and hung out with Jesse and by then I was super tired after my first day back in real life after being sick.

So I slept in Saturday and later that afternoon Matt came down to Lexington and we went to the UK vs WKU game at Commonwealth stadium. While I did attend a UK game I did wear my Gator shirt and brought my Gator blanket to stay warm with once the sun went down....So I am not a traitor! :) I enjoyed the fireworks that went off after every touchdown and the bands were fun to watch....Kim and Rick met up with us to tailgate a bit before hand and I made pulled pork and potato skins to munch on by the car....It was fun to watch the undergrads and their antics as well....realizing that just a few years ago that was us....Good grief we were retarded!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

North Carolina got lost but Florida made it!

So I went to see McDuff about a month ago and took all kinds of fun pictures of our adventures and I got home to upload them and my stupid memory card had some error and it erased them all! So I guess I will have to just go back to see her again sometime soon! Getting schedules together to plan stuff is quite a challenge but worth all the effort and time. It is so good to have just a relaxing weekend of hanging out with my girlfriends. It makes me realize that I gave up quite a bit to stay in KY. With all of my family and friends in Florida it is always hard to leave behind.

So this past weekend I went to Florida to visit Megan, Cristi and Jenny! Jenny flew down from DC earlier in the week and hung out with her rents and then she drove up to Orlando to meet us to celebrate Cristi's birthday and hunt around for bridesmaids dresses for the wedding. It was great to have my friends back and to stay up late and catch up on all the things we have missed out on by living so far away. Now that I have normal hours of work and able to schedule things I am hoping we can have more frequent visits. The wedding is also going to help with that too!

So here are some pictures from the weekend shenanigans and our fun. We even got to see the Peabody ducks! :) QUACK QUACK!! McDuff would have loved it!

Cheers to all!!

Love Jules