Monday, June 1, 2009

Louisville with Jenn and the PEO's!

So Jenn came over from Asheville, NC to go with me to Louisville for a PEO convention! It was a great "Girly Weekend" that went off without a hitch...except getting lost in the ghetto of Louisville, going to the weird "Bodies in Motion" exhibit full of real dead people, eating about 5000 calories at breakfast and dinner at Lynn's Paradise Cafe (totally amazing grub), laying out by the pool and listening to traffic at the Galt House, and trying to hunt for a parking space. :)
Since Nathan was in California, Jenn was my date for the weekend. We had alot of fun just being our weird selves in one of my new favorite places in KY, Louisville!

This was Lucy after we got home...we snuck up on her napping on the porch! Aaron was our Lucysitter for the weekend! :)

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