Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lucy the Pooper

So last night I took Lucy to PetSmart to get a bag of dog food because the ziploc bag we brought from Morehead got consumed. I took her for a long walk before going in to avoid any mishaps inside. As I am sure you have seen it is difficult to take a dog by yourself into PetSmart and try to shop. So here I am with a cart trying to load her massive bag of dog food into it, and manage to keep her on a short leash and all the tail wagging and nose sniffing with the other dogs that seeemed to be out in full force last night. So needless to say as I am loading this up, she decides to poop right there in the aisle. The little boy petting her at the time gets grossed out and starts gagging so I get their "accident station" essentials and clean it up and get moving on. She picked out a toy in the toy aisle (have you noticed that the put the most expesive toys at doggie level so then they grab them out of the bins) She would not even let the cashier get it out of her mouth to get it rung up so he scanned it right in her mouth while she growled at him. Brave dude! It took me trading her a treat for the ball so I could get the tag off it when we got home. So that was our evening! Stay tuned...things are bound to get more exciting then just dog poop and toys!


Monday, June 23, 2008

First Blog Ever!

I got this great idea from Megan Coltharp who inspired the plan! Kudos to her! So for the first blog this might be kinda boring but our weekend was as follows: We fired up the industrial strength weed eater (well Nathan did actually) and cleared out the back yard. It was previously a weed garden from some psychedelic Alice in Wonderland type place as the weeds were seriously huge. Attached is a picture of the front of our new place. I wish I had taken pictures of the back yard just to show you the massive weeds! Now that we have a blog I will be sure to document such monumental tasks!
