Monday, June 23, 2008

First Blog Ever!

I got this great idea from Megan Coltharp who inspired the plan! Kudos to her! So for the first blog this might be kinda boring but our weekend was as follows: We fired up the industrial strength weed eater (well Nathan did actually) and cleared out the back yard. It was previously a weed garden from some psychedelic Alice in Wonderland type place as the weeds were seriously huge. Attached is a picture of the front of our new place. I wish I had taken pictures of the back yard just to show you the massive weeds! Now that we have a blog I will be sure to document such monumental tasks!



Unknown said...

Cool House. Show some more pictures and invite mom and dad. They can come stay with you for a few weeks! Mom could spend the summer with you!

Cristi said...

Love the blog! The poop story his hilarious! Love the house it is so pretty. I want a house!!!