So much has happened since last I had a chance to Blog! It is hard to keep up with this along with facebook and all the stuff between now and my last post. I will try to recap:
Florida came to Kentucky for Thanksgiving
Went to Florida for Christmas
Celebrated our one year anniversary at Melting Pot
Took two more classes in the Spring
Met Cristi and Jenny in Snowshoe, WV on the worst snow weekend of the year!
Nathan started on and has now almost finished our backyard makeover at the house in Lexington!
We re-drywalled and tiled the laundry room in Morehead and fixed some plumbing and electric issues there, with some help from the Morehead rents! :)
Took on the role of Secretary for my PEO chapter here in Lexington.
Nathan got more serious about his guitar and music playing, and has a small band to play with!
Went to Vegas for work and hung out with my Mom.
Nathan came to Vegas too and was saw the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam
Nathan and I worked hard to get a vegetable garden going in Lexington, we had brocolli, bussell sprouts, maters, jalapenos and cukes!
Was invited and started serving on the Board of Directors for the Children's Museum in Lexington - The Explorium
My brother and Mandy finally tied the knot
Went to Florida to have a vacation with my nieces at The Breakers and Katie mastered swimming!
Started my lifelong goal of beginning my own event planning business! Clink is born!
See we have been busy! More fun to come!