Friday, January 28, 2011

I can't believe it has already been two years! Time is flying!

We had a quiet night out (much needed) for our anniversary this year. We wanted to go to Bakers 360 but after reading the bad reviews online we decided on something a little more tried and true -Malone's.
We had yummy steak and even got this massive dessert free for our special day. We ended up taking more than half of it home, and noshed on that for another day and then finally gave up on it.

On this special day I took the time to read over the vows we each wrote to one another and read to one another and all those we were lucky enough to surround us that day. It made me cry! Here are mine, I will have to find Nathan's on the computer, and post those...maybe next year! :)

"I love that you let me be me,That you encourage my big dreams, That you take joy in my happiness and sympathy in my sorrows. That you have an unwavering faith in me that has made me love you more than I thought I would ever love another person. I am marrying you today because in you I see someone I never expected to find. I have found someone that I want to celebrate with, worry with, dream with, explore with, and grow old with. You make me laugh and smile each day. You make me thankful. You are the balance and support in my life. I hope that I can be as much to you as you are to me."

Monday, January 3, 2011

Holy Cow it is January!

So looking back to realize that I have missed three months of blogging life, I cannot believe how fast time is flying! I will have to resort to bullet points again to catch up! I will try to post some pictures later to go along with my very impersonal bullet points. :)

- Spent Thanksgiving in Roaring Gap, North Carolina with my brother and sister in law, her family and my folks.

- Discovered that our host for the weekend was also a PEO! Love it! Cheers to Helen and her Palm City, FL Chapter!

- Went to my first ever real Christmas Tree farm, it was so neat to see. Met a local famous potter and got an early Christmas present of a piece of his art! Love it!

- Got to sport my then new find, a super cute crochet headband that I just love. (My mother in law mastered the pattern and I got another super cute yellow one for Christmas!)

- Stopped in West Virginia to see this massive bridge that I will have to come back to in the Spring to white water raft and camp. Whoohoo! Who knew that was so close to me this whole time.

- Finished off the Fall semester, just 2011 to go!

- Had a holiday get together for my MPA classmates and then the next night for our friends. It was great to spend an evening enjoying the company and celebrating the holidays at our house. Makes all the decorating and baking worth while!

- Booked another Clink wedding for the Spring, will be super cute with a elegant but rustic KY theme.

- Have enjoyed getting some quiet time with Nathan and Lucy since I can focus on them for a while until classes resume. Got almost two weeks off work since my office closes for the holidays. It was a really nice break, not to mention my work bought us all iPad's for Christmas! Nathan has pretty much taken it over. It is his new best friend.

- Went to Florida for Christmas and spent time with my sister and her girls and my folks. It was great to be home, even though the weather wasn't that much warmer, it was good to just relax and enjoy time with Nathan and the fam.

- Enjoyed meeting Trixie, the newest Sculthorpe, Mandy's new dog that Brian gave her for Christmas. At just over one pound she looks like this:

- Met up with Cristi and Jenny and their new boys for a day in Orlando, and then hosted a baby shower for Megan with her mom. It was crazy to see her so preggers! I am excited to welcome the new one in March, and Meg looks so cute with her bun in the oven. Congrats!

- Got my first cavity ever. Yuck. I will start flossing more. New Years Resolution!

- Got organized for the Griswald Family Vacation and booked our plane tickets! We are ready for the adventure and I am excited for Nathan to experience Europe for the first time. It will be an awesome experience for him and I am so lucky to be able to be there with him and my fam!

- Spent a chill New Years with some friends in Lexington, and made a few new ones! Nathan had fun keroking and I had fun watching. It was a hoot. The best was when him and our friend Clay did a duet of "I've lost that love and feeling". Priceless.

- The tree is down, the boxes packed up, I got a few things at the after Christmas sales for decorations for next year, and just like that the holidays are over. Wow.

So we are back to the grind and getting organized for 2011. We have so much to be thankful for and are looking forward to another year of life's big adventure, who knows what is in store!