So we got in the mail over the weekend our engagement pictures. Story Photography of Lexington took the shots and they did a great job! Daniel and Stacy Arroyo were great and below is their work! I have ordered some prints for Christmas and also made a book at Snapfish to put out at the wedding near our guest book....look how cute Lucy is too!
Nathan and I have been happily married since January 24, 2009. We lead a busy life and enjoy every minute of it, which I often pack with lots to do! Nathan works for the State of KY doing environmental work, I work in the events/tradeshow industry for a professionally managed NPO. In 2009 I also started my own business, Events by Julie Lewis. Kyle Daniel Lewis was born, June 4, 2013 and our daughter Kaylee Kathleen Lewis completed our family on March 15, 2017.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween House from the Today's show

So here in Lexington was one of the three top houses for Halloween decorations. It was actually really close to the house so some co-workers and I hunted it down. Nathan and I tried to find it the night before but without any luck so Matt who works with me lives right near it and knew where it was so a few work folks went out to check out what all the fuss was about. I do have to admit it was hysterical and ridiculous. You will see for yourself!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Trick or Treat!
So it is almost Halloween....Lucy the Pooper tried on her costume this weekend and it just barely fits, she has gotten bigger since last year I have discovered since none of her sweaters or jackets fit anymore! Here she is less than excited to be having her picture taken in her costume. I had to bribe her with treats to do it!
Also treats came early for Nathan this year and he got his Christmas/Wedding/Halloween/Thanksgiving/Valentines/Any other Holiday imaginable present in season tickets to UK Basketball....I entered a drawing to be able to purchase them through UK and won! After a lifetime of pineing for these he finally has he was a much happier trick or treater than Lucy! I will go to the Florida game but that's about it....GO GATORS!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Lucy likes to lick ice cream!

I gave Lucy a few licks of my ice cream last night (Nathan and I needed something sweet and I was happy to oblige since I had just finished my exam). She was so excited and hyper she stood on her back legs like a human for the longest time. We had to take here is Lucy the two legged
standing licker! We also thought she looked like T-Rex in that one picture! So maybe she needs to be Lucy the Dinosaur?

Monday, October 6, 2008
Fodder shock's in Lexington!

So this weekend I learned a very Kentucky craft! How to make a Fodder shock! So here are the fruits of my labor! (With a lot of help from Moomoo!) We drove them home in Nathan's truck which was loaded down the the Beverly Hillybilly's (Nathan even sang the song for a few miles!) We had four of these in the truck and then a coffee table, end table, and almost all of our winter clothes. I so wished I had

So Happy Fall to All!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fall is here!

We got Jonathan apples and I think it was Gala apples and I made some yummy apple cobbler the next day for a BBQ at Jesse's....

So I slept in Saturday and later that afternoon Matt came down to Lexington and we went to the UK vs WKU game at Commonwealth stadium. While I did attend a UK game I did wear my Gator shirt and brought my Gator blanket to stay warm with once the sun went down....So I am not a traitor! :) I enjoyed the fireworks that went off after every touchdown and the bands were fun to watch....Kim and Rick met up with us to tailgate a bit before hand and I made pulled pork and potato skins to munch on by the car....It was fun to watch the undergrads and their antics as well....realizing that just a few years ago that was us....Good grief we were retarded!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
North Carolina got lost but Florida made it!

So I went to see McDuff about a month ago and took all kinds of fun pictures of our adventures and I got home to upload them and my stupid memory card had some error and it erased them all! So I guess I will have to just go back to see her again sometime soon! Getting schedules together to plan stuff is quite a challenge but worth all the effort and time. It is so good to have just a relaxing weekend of hanging out with my girlfriends. It makes me realize that I gave up quite a bit to stay in KY. With all of my family and friends in Florida it is always hard to leave behind.

So this past weekend I went to Florida to visit Megan, Cristi and Jenny! Jenny flew down from DC earlier in the week and hung out with her rents and then she drove up to Orlando to meet us to celebrate Cristi's birthday and hunt around for bridesmaids dresses for the wedding. It was great to have my friends back and to stay up late and catch up on all the things we have missed out on by living so far away. Now that I have normal hours of work and able to schedule things I am hoping we can have more frequent visits. The wedding is also going to help with that too!

So here are some pictures from the weekend shenanigans and our fun. We even got to see the Peabody ducks! :) QUACK QUACK!! McDuff would have loved it!
Cheers to all!!
Love Jules
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Babies in our grill!

So I quickly turned off the gas and heat and yelled for Nathan and he helped me put them into a shoe box which we kept on the porch so the mother would return. We are still not sure what these things were, you can see how tiny they were with my finger in the picture. That evening they slowly disappeared as the mommy came and took them to another nest. So this was our first new home in our new home. Thought you animal planet lovers would like to help solve the mystery. More to come!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fruits of our labor!

The garden in Morehead is in full swing. We have cucumbers, yellow squash and zucchini coming out of our ears. Also green beans are plentiful as well. Tomatoes are large and green and the corn is almost to size. We also have sweet potatoes just around the corner. Nathan and I raided it on Sunday before coming back to Lexington and we grilled out the squash and zucchini and made cucumber salad. Super yummy!
Thirsty Thursday!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Florida for the 4th

The trek out to sea was cut a little short with some incoming weather but he at least got a small taste of the Florida life. We went out on Junior's boat for the fireworks extravaganza and even had a boarding by the coast guard. They were out collecting drunks and losers so we were left to go about our business.
Emilie and Katie came along and Katie was nervous that Junior was going to get taken away by the police boat! Pretty funny! Also we get back to the dock and after we get Katie unloaded, Grandpa asked Katie what she thought of the fireworks, her response? "Boring." We could have got her 99 cents worth of sparklers and she would have been more impressed!

We also went wedding location hunting with Homer. He did most of the pre scouting the week before we came and we spent Wednesday and Thursday checking out his picks. We really liked alot of the places and are excited with the choice of the Jupiter Beach Resort and Spa.
The date is January 24, 2009! Now comes the fun part of working on the guest lists to narrow it down to a reasonable number. Fun fun fun! We are going to Morehead this weekend to talk to the Kentucky folks to get their plans rolling and see who can and can't make it.

Hope everyone had a Happy 4th! Cheers!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Jackson Hole, WY and Yellowstone!

So I got back last night from a work trip to Wyoming. We stayed in Jackson Hole and then I had a chance on Sunday afternoon to sneak over to Yellowstone to see Old Faithful....she was luck for us 15 mins late so we were able to make it to the park on time to see her go off. It was great. Even though it was 80 degrees in the park there was still snow on the ground! Nuts I know! I am at work for a few hours today and then Nathan and I are treking towards Florida to have a weekend of wedding planning with the rents and celebrate Emilie's birthday with the fam. I will keep you posted as things progress...more to come, stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Lucy the Pooper

So last night I took Lucy to PetSmart to get a bag of dog food because the ziploc bag we brought from Morehead got consumed. I took her for a long walk before going in to avoid any mishaps inside. As I am sure you have seen it is difficult to take a dog by yourself into PetSmart and try to shop. So here I am with a cart trying to load her massive bag of dog food into it, and manage to keep her on a short leash and all the tail wagging and nose sniffing with the other dogs that seeemed to be out in full force last night. So needless to say as I am loading this up, she decides to poop right there in the aisle. The little boy petting her at the time gets grossed out and starts gagging so I get their "accident station" essentials and clean it up and get moving on. She picked out a toy in the toy aisle (have you noticed that the put the most expesive toys at doggie level so then they grab them out of the bins) She would not even let the cashier get it out of her mouth to get it rung up so he scanned it right in her mouth while she growled at him. Brave dude! It took me trading her a treat for the ball so I could get the tag off it when we got home. So that was our evening! Stay tuned...things are bound to get more exciting then just dog poop and toys!
Monday, June 23, 2008
First Blog Ever!
I got this great idea from Megan Coltharp who inspired the plan! Kudos to her! So for the first blog this might be kinda boring but our weekend was as follows: We fired up the industrial strength weed eater (well Nathan did actually) and cleared out the back yard. It was previously a weed garden from some psychedelic Alice in Wonderland type place as the weeds were seriously huge. Attached is a picture of the front of our new place. I wish I had taken pictures of the back yard just to show you the massive weeds! Now that we have a blog I will be sure to document such monumental tasks!
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