1. I am going to go back to my regular exercise routine; I have nine chins in some of these pictures, good grief! Married life will sure fatten you up!
2. I miss my friends immensely. It is hard to describe exactly what you miss until you experience it again. It is nice to have people who truly look out for you, who are on your team no matter what, and who long after your parents, siblings, spouses have gone (cause let’s face it the men will kick the bucket first! :)) you will have someone to sit by the beach, drink margaritas with, and reflect on the sunset of your life with.
3. It is a different kind of bond and love that you have for one another that seems to not age as we change and grow.
4. Good girlfriends are rare, so many girls are manipulative, lazy, out for their own interests, irresponsible with the relationship, or conceded. Also few women have female friends that have stood the test of time. Lucky for me in life I have found a few that break this mold. They are scattered throughout the US unfortunately but we always seem to be a phone call away, or a short plane trip out from each other.
5. Life is short, Jenn’s Uncle lost a long battle with brain cancer on Saturday and I have had to watch her grieve slowly as his health deteriorated. It made me realize the loyalty that Jenn and all these women have is something that runs deep, it is a part of their character, their grace and their very being. While it was hard to not be physically present to comfort and console Jenn, it made me realize that each day is a call to action. To take charge of your happiness, your anger, your love and your hate and to truly seize the day.
6. This “seize the day” mentality is what I think has bonded me individually with these women. Each of us are driven, motivated, loving, loyal, honest, passionate, and energetic. These traits all in one individual compose us, even though our personalities are different, we each have these traits in various doses. Until recently I did not see what a rare combination this is to find in a single person, let alone five women who also all know each other and that I am lucky enough to have found in my life’s journey so far.
I am happy to have these fun women in my life! My own set of fearsome foursome!
A little pic of a Rednecked Cristi to close out my post!:

Awwww that's so sweet! I love and miss you bunches and bunches! It was so fun to see you Morehead life!
Wow Julie I am always amazed at how you can place your true emotions into words that are spelled correctly lol and make soooo much sense. I love you dearly and I am so proud to share my life with you! LOVE YOU!!
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