Monday, December 17, 2012

Starting the new year's resolutions early!

Looking back at this little blog, I realized that I am just awful at keeping it up to date. Embarrassing I know! It would almost be a two year gap since I last posted. How ridiculous is that, might as well not have a blog! Lots of changes have happened since the last post, I will try to summarize and get things a little back up to speed, and then try to be more diligent in keeping this up to date from here on out!

·         I finished my MPA in December 2011 so this is my first Christmas where I am not panicked, studying, and writing last minute papers. It has been wonderful to actually feel like Christmas for the first time in a long time!

·         I started a new job in July 2011. I now work at the Hyatt in downtown Lexington, the largest hotel in the city doing group sales. Since I have not travel requirements with this job it was a great fit for me to finish my degree, and also to work on starting a family! I really enjoy the clients and relationships I have built in this short time here; still waiting to figure out what I want to do when I grow up however! I am thinking this may never change!

·         Speaking of starting a family, Nathan and I are expecting our first child in June 2013. We are really excited and should find out come February if this little “muffin” is a boy or a girl!

·         We adopted a second dog about 6 months ago, his name is Chico and he is a very loving and sweet dog that needed a permanent home to call his own. My MIL found him and my BIL named him so he is a group adoption effort! I love him dearly, Nathan is still adjusting to being a two dog household, but this won’t be for long with the bambino coming in June, the dogs will have to make room!

·         I had some health issues prior to the pregnancy that led me to a lifestyle change to cut out as many refined sugars, carbs, and as much processed foods as I can. It has been really difficult, especially now with the pregnancy, but I still trying to stay on track. I have introduced some carbs back into my diet, but try to stay under 50 grams a day total. I have good days and bad days, but I am definitely consuming much less than ever before, so there is positive change still happening!

·         Nathan seems to still be enjoying his job, and is looking forward to being a dad, if he is half a good a dad as he is a husband our little bambino is in good shape! It is hard to believe we will be married 4 years come January 2013. Time is just flying. I am grateful to have had these years to just be married and enjoy our life together.

·         In the past two years we traveled both with family and on our own all over the place! We went to France, Spain, Italy, NYC and Chicago. We joined up with my immediate family in Barcelona for a cruise around the Mediterranean and it was a trip of a lifetime that we were so lucky to experience together as a family. It was Nathan’s first trip overseas and I was so happy to get to be there with him and my family. I am glad we traveled when we did as I am sure for the next few years we will be staying close to home with the new addition in progress!

·         Nathan’s Aunt Annabelle, one of his mom’s sisters, had a challenging year with some medical issues, but in her true sprit she is charging ahead. We were happy to get to visit with her briefly earlier this year in South Carolina and we are cheering her along in her journey. She is an energetic and creative spirit that we are sure can conquer any challenge set before her, we think of her often and keep up to date on her progress as she is an avid “facebooker” too.

·         My family came up to Kentucky for Thanksgiving this year, at least the Inglett branch, and my mom. It was a really fun week and it was great to see how much the girls have matured. You really can see how fast time is going when you see kids growing up right before your eyes. My brother and his wife Mandy just had their first child in June 2012, Grace. She is adorable and the newest Sculthorpe! We are heading to Florida for Christmas so I am looking forward to seeing them again. We went home in July 2012 to meet her and do some scalloping and lobstering since it was season. I am sure she has changed so much in these 6 months.

·         Nathan’s brother has made the big move and “left the nest” and bought his first real home. We are so happy and proud of him in his new adventure. He seems to be settling in nicely and adjusting, we try to check in with him without being too annoying! J We are happy that he is happy and establishing himself on his own and making an investment both financially and personally. I hope he asks me to help decorate! J This girl loves a project!

·         Speaking of projects, the house in Morehead is coming along! We got the two back bedrooms re-drywalled and they look great! I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel with that house as far as projects! I hope sometime towards the end of 2013 we can refinish the floors, put in the baseboards, and the new bathroom vanity and then that will be it! I really just want to have the house in baby ready position before the bambino’s first birthday and walking commences, then we don’t have to worry about a construction zone and a toddler! Plus that house will be so much fun for a child to enjoy with Grandma Moo’s house right nearby too! Nathan really loved growing up on that land so we look forward to passing that tradition down to our children.

·         Our home in Lexington will be getting ready for baby as well. We would like to take the carpet up and put down hardwood floors as Nathan has terrible allergies and many people say that hardwood floors would help with that a lot. Plus having two dogs, and a baby, it would be easier to keep clean. Just need to see how we shake out budget wise as we prepare and save, but one can dream! J Plus we are moving the craft room out, to become a spare guest room, and our current guest room will become the nursery. Not sure on a paint color or theme yet but that will be a certain upcoming decorating project. Anyone want to come over and paint?

·         We had a great garden in 2012 and I hope we can get a good one planted before I get too roly poly in the spring. Nathan will have to be maintenance on it I would think, but he did a lot of the work last year too with me finishing up my degree and wedding season in full swing. Having the garden made my new eating regime so much easier for sure!

I think I caught all the high points for the last two years, I am sure there are many more, but this was my best effort! J I will try to be more diligent, I can’t make any promises but at least I have good intentions right?

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